While creating gratitude paper chains in a creative workshop. A lovely lady living with dementia wrote “I’m grateful to leave hospital” within seconds of our discussion the lady spotted I was from Yorkshire from my accent and I found she also was. I created this piece with the thought of where she may be going home to and what I think of when I think of going home and Yorkshire. Lots of flowers were drawn throughout our workshop and i wanted to include this by filling it with the forget me not flower as this represents remembrance and is a symbol to raise awareness and support people affected by this condition.
Arts in Health
This was made as part of my “Arts in Health “project for my second year at university. We worked with Arts for health and wellbeing team at the Cardiff and Vale Health charity and facilitated art and wellbeing sessions for the Patients at the University hospital Llandough who are living with dementia and mental health challenges. The sessions were a chance for the patients to use art and creativity to relax, communicate, learn skills and as well as offer a chance to be heard and break down stigma. we ran multiple creative sessions and created boxes with materials in to leave for the patients to carry on when they wanted. I then drew from my experience in the hospital to create this crochet piece that was exhibited in the Hearth Gallery in the university hospital Llandough for the NHS 75th Anniversary exhbition.